What a jackass.. Seriously. He had the chance of his lifetime but he chose to ruin her's. No one told her not to like him, so she believed she did. And of all the rotten guys in the world too. While me.. haha.. x)
She doesn't understand what it's like to really mean a lot to someone else. I can't blame her and I have no idea how to tell it to her either. Well okay, tried to, but they passed off as cheesy-ness. Haha. =/
To me, love is really it. It's the biggest dream I've ever had since I was young, to care for someone and to make her my wife. xD I don't know about others, but when I'm certain of my feelings, I really am. And I'll take care/love her more than any other guy in the world.
I think about her everyday, on a frequency of like, once in every 3 darn mins. And I'm not joking! :S I try not to say it anymore cuz' I think she doesn't really believe me. My classmates wld know why I'd daze out all of a sudden in lectures, wondering what she's doing and y'know.. smile myself silly at the past. x)
But it's extremely excruciating whenever I think about stuff like that. Cuz whenever I do, I'm reminded of the fact that it's just me, it has always been just me. (: No matter how certain that the girl is the one, I'll never be able to love anyone else without getting hurt in the process.
But what's really demoralising is that time and time again, even though its one-sided, you've nver really got the chance to prove how much you can love someone? Nor will they ever know how much they mean to you.