School today wasn't half as bad as I thought it'll be. Hah! And trust me, Thursdays usually suck big time.
F.E class passed by pretty well. It was the first time I wasn't wishing the 3 hour long lesson to end early. Was too caught up in trying to wire up the damn system, haha. But umm.. theory wise, I have no idea what those logic gates do.
Networking class was even cooler, haha.. Got to learn FTP today which I was quite interested in, since I've been doing that when I was just in Primary school. Illegally and over the web that is. But there was a period of time where we were learning how to establish a coonection with all the coms in the lab so we had a chatroom session. LOL
And it was like the old IRC chat days where you can change your nick freely, setting topics and basically talk crap. (: And the best part is, all these were allowed during our Practical. xD Everyone had a fun time impostering each other.
Maths lesson was okay but I left earlier cuz I had to help out with the Year 3 prize giving ceremony.
Made a new friend Alex, quite a handsome guy lil guy if I do say so myself. We were given the easier job of phototaking the event but eventually the camera broke down and we just slacked. With me watching Mythbusters on my lappie. xD
At the end we had to scan the attendance for everyone at that event. Pretty cool stuff. But what puzzled us the most was the number of beauties among the year 3's in EEE. Out of everyone there was distinctly only 2 girls that stood out. Two! Unbelievable. :S
Guess our batch is pretty fortunate cuz there's so many girls in Engineering this time round compared to the year 3 batch.
Oh oh, finally got the road to chalet planning started. What a response from surveymonkey! Practically everyone had about the same reply for the compulsary last question. With me asking them if I was the nicest guy they've ever met.
With the unitedness of Humility, they all gave a big "F**K YOU".
Ah~ What would I do without em' ^^

Signing off~ (: With Jan petting my head.