Indeed...the place was overflowing with kawaii girls... xD xD Thats all I wanna say. And kelvin's PSP really helped me kill some boredom.

Went out with jia qi, yi hui, david and yc to sentosa today, very fun indeed! xD Ate at vivocity first. Its been dunno how long since I've actually went into the water... 4 of them tried to
drown push me into the water, 1 of them succeeded, I got caught off guard =.=
Anyways, jia qi and yi hui were 'hanky panky-ing' in the water with david... yc was reluctant to get his body wet, in the end he did.
Once we grabbed jia qi by the arms and legs and flung her into the water she was like, "Eh, shuang leh!". Yeaah...not quite the reply we were expecting but nonetheless she still got thrown. =]
Jia qi & yi hui were wearing white shirts so YA... they couldnt walk around being all *Ahem* and stuff so david and I lent them our shirts. On our way back to the dressing room, I got smacked in the face by a cake and one nutcase whacked it into my ear...haa! Most prob it was yi hui I think...but I guess it was unintentional. I forgive you. x)
Oh yeah, a random comment... -gatsby moving rubber and salt water DON'T MIX!-

Later we went to harbourfront shopping centre to eat at macs coz everyone was complaining of hunger. Jia qi kept laughing at david and I coz she said the way we ate french fries were funny... Is it that abnormal to eat 3-4 fries at a time?
= o

~Ms. David with Jia qi's bag. xD
So yeah, yi hui had to go to attend a family gathering so we met Juin Li later to bowl at safra yishun. When we met her in the train she was getting all red-eyed and started to cry even though me and yc were like, "You alright?". She gave us a very plastered smile... Hope she's alright now. Must've been smth that happened at her pri sch gathering...
It was on the train that I felt quite touched coz I found out jia qi lied to me about accompanying yi hui to meet her bf in the morning to buy that cake for me with yi hui, yc and david. xD Thx alot guys! = D



Played bowling with the guys, david won the first game, I won the 2nd. x) Yc walked home while the rest of us took our own buses home...ALRIGHT!!...I wanna thx these few ppl for making my day so-so special! xD
Brina, Valerie, Belicia, Jia Qi, Wen Min, Kai Shi, Si Xuan, Sandra, Jennifer, Sheryl and Celine for their sms greetings!!
Jie Lin and Valerie for the blog post greeting.
Jie Lin, Tung and Kerry... MSN...
Lewis, Jennifer, Chee Wah... FRIENDSTER...
Jie Lin, Juin Li and Yi Hui for the very formal handshake greeting...hahaha! I don't know, maybe I'm not used to shaking hands as a greeting yet... xD
And of coz... the nice cake that I didn't get to eat at all by Jia Qi, Yi Hui, Yan Cheng and David!
I tried my best...hope I didn't miss out anyone. x)
Nevertheless... this is the best bdae I had for a very very long time! At least...I don't get to celebrate alone anymore...