Alright...due to a request by lewis, I guess I have no choice but to blog about today. He actually said I blog like a, wow! Finally, some appreciation! xD
Anyways it was maths paper one today... Nothing much about it except for a few old lower sec formulas that I couldnt remember...dang... And I got an early shock when my calculator's battery started dying!! OMG the SUAY-NESS...=.=
It was totally nice of my form teacher to say, "Got bring an extra? Don't have not my fault le..." When I asked for help...=]
After the exams I wanted to catch a movie one, but sadly no one shares my passion... Very sad indeed... ='(
So, bor bian soccer with the guys...its 2I vs 2H again!! With a buncha F an G class spectators...xD Man today match was awesome! It feels great to let out all that exam stress by playing soccer... Everyone went all out today! Everyone pia-ed like crazy...
And the best moments of my goalkeeper career totally, "out-shine today" x) Didn't let in a single goal!! KICK ASS MAN!! xD xD
The D.M and O.M at one point looked at us and then went of coz we're like the only students left in school... But I guess they got that feeling of, "Ahh...kam-pong soccer spirit" So they didn't stop us from playing... But later on as it got quite late they told us to end it in 10 mins time... Thoughtful indeed.
The game ended at about 7.15? But everyone had fun I guess... The final score was 5-4, My class and H class respectively. *Note, the first 2 goals were conceded before I joined in. =] *
Another artistic shot! I guess...

Oh oh and time flies indeed...just 4 more paper to go...Push on people! Feel the burning spirit of youth!! YAHOOO!!!
Hmm... but seriously, all the best! =]