Bwah! its so boring nowadays...aniwaes i bought de teenage magazine n found dis interesting quiz to see if u guys out dere r boyfriend material....haa...xD aniwaes take a look if u havent bought de magazine yet~
1) You've arranged to meet a girl at the movies. If you arrived early. Where would you be waiting for her?
a)I'll be IN the theatre, watching the movie trailers while waiting for her.
b)I'll be standing by the ticket counter, wih a bucket of popcorn and a drink with two straws.
c)I won't even be at the theatre! I'll be waiting at the bus stop for her to alight.
2)You're talking to this girl you like when an even hotter girl sits down next to you! What do you do?
a) I'll try my best to act cool, and impress both girls. If one doesn't work out, there's always the other.
b) I don't want to get confused and tongue-tied, so i'll give all my attention to the hotter girl.
c) I'll just say "hi" to the new girl and go back to talking to the girl I like.
3) You're supposed to meet a girl tonight for dinner. At the last minute she calls you to say she has to postpone. Her excuse is...
a) "I have to... umm, wash my hair. No need to call me, I'll call you some other time."
b) "Sorry I can't make it. My ebst friend is having a crisis. call me tommorow instead."
c) "I'm really sorry I can't make it, but I have a last-minute family dinner. Let's meet again tomorrow!"
4) You're out with your friends when you bump into a girl you like. How would you act?
a) I'll sneak up behind her and give her a shock! Girls look funny when they're scared!
b) I'll bring one of my guy friends along when I go up to speak to her. Safety in numbers!
c) I'll ask her what's she doing and what her plans are. Maybe I'll ask her if her group of friends would like to join mine.
5) You're placed in the same group as that lovely girl for your class science project. You...
a) tell her she should be grateful that you're in her project group. You ARE and expert in science after all.
b) split the work evenly with her. All's fair when it comes to school work.
c) ask her how she would like to proceed with the work, before offering to help her out with her weaker subjects.
6) You're really tired and getting ready for to go to bed when a girl calls you on your mobile. What do you say to her?
a) "Hey, nice of you to call, but I'm extremely tired. Can we talk tomorrow instead?"
b) "I'm actually about to get some sleep. But it's ok, this sounds urgent."
c) Hey is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything.
SCORING: A = 1, B = 2, C = 36-9: Just FriendsGirls consider you as a good friend, and that's the problem. You tr them like a normal friend, so some s they get confused about your feelings. Try tr ing them a little differently from your guy friends. Show them your interest without being too overbearing. They like to feel special every now and then you know!
10-14: Pal with PotentialGirls trust you, and look at you as a friend with potential. If you make the right moves, say the right things. and tr them well, the girl just might like you and give you a chance! Remember that the best relationships usually start out as a friendship, so value what you have, Don't worry about your "status" and just enjoy yourselves.
15-18: Already A CoupleGirls should be clamouring all over you! If they're not, it means you're probabky doing something wrong. Remain sincere and true, and don't try to show off in front of them. And don't try to be someone you're not. They don't know it yet, but you're a perfect boyfriend material!
Haa....yep, dats about mi choice in case u guys r "curious"..x)...B, C, C, C, C, C..haha..dats all..stay cool and young folks!
Lots of love,